Ci siamo, finalmente hanno spedito dal Giappone la mia copia di Shin Hokuto Musou per PS3 e tempo permettendo dovrebbe arrivare a giorni. Visto che è stata l'unica notizia positiva della giornata ho deciso di dedicargli un post tutto suo perchè come gioco merita davvero molto e sono speranzoso che arrivi prima di natale.
Avevo già parlato di Shin Hokuto Musou quando ho provato la demo ed intanto per i più smaliziati ecco la lista completa dei trofei che comprende 2 trofei oro, 8 argento e 40 bronzo, e giudicando dalla traduzione dal giapponese all'inglese non sono neanche difficilissimi perchè basta finire il gioco con tutti i personaggi per farli praticamente tutti.
1 Platino
Master Hokuto Musou Shin
won the trophy for all Shin Hokuto Musou
2 Oro
Clear legend Hen
Hen episode all cleared legend
Clear all the best rated vision
we have cleared the highest rating of all vision quest
8 Argento
100 000 people defeated
I was defeated enemy 100000 people
Defeat Kaioh
defeated the Kaioh of! "terrible fist of the battlefield" hen episode legend
Defeat Souther
Souther of the defeated! "For the Sake of Love" Episode Guide: The Legend
Defeat Falco
Falco was defeated! "fight to the death to divide the heavens" Episode Guide: The Legend
Playing time 50 hours
total play time is greater than 50 hours
3 Defeat Raoh
Defeat Raoh was the "! I overmatch" Farewell hen episode legend
Clear all challenge vision
was clear all the challenges of free play phantom
Consolidated completion ultimate
ultimate consolidation was completed to align the meridian Figure
40 Bronzo
Defeat Ain
Ain defeated the legendary hen episode! "Naru fearless smile"
Defeat Amiba
defeated the Amiba of! "Sad Genius" Episode Guide: The Legend
Uighur Defeat
Uighur defeated the legendary hen episode! "Quiet Giant"
Defeat the Kaiser
defeated the Kaiser's! "the most evil fist on the ground," the legendary hen episode
Defeat kernel
defeated the kernel! "tears to break the ambition" Episode Guide: The Legend
Defeat Shu
Shu defeated the hen episode of Legend! "star Jin awakens"
Defeat Singh
Singh was defeated! "flame of obsession" hen episode legend
Defeat Jagi
Defeat Jagi was the "! journey to fight to the death" hen episode legend
Defeat Gide
Gide's defeated the "invasion Z" hen episode legend
Tag Match Play 10 times
to 10 times the Tag Match Play Online
Win 10 Team matches
the team to victory 10 times online match
Defeat the Devil Reverse
defeated the devil reverse! "闘神incarnation of the episode" The Legend knitting
Defeat Han
Han was defeated! "Legend of fate" hen episode legend
Defeat Panthers
defeated the Panthers! "Brother Ki wither Tears" legend hen episode
Defeat Judah
was defeated Judas! "flame last episode" Legend knitting
1 Defeat Raoh
Defeat Raoh was in! "Blue light trillion death star" hen episode legend
2 Defeat Raoh
Defeat Raoh episode was edited by the legendary "at that time! came" on
Ryuuga defeated
defeated the Ryuuga of! "Tears of Heaven wolf episode" Legend knitting
Defeat Shura Nameless
defeated the Nameless Shura of "! guys eat death" hen episode legend
Clear in the story Ain vision
was clear in the story Ain vision
Clear in the story Kaioh vision
was clear in the story Kaioh vision
Kenshiro vision cleared in the story
was clear in the story Kenshiro闘編vision
Clear in the story Souther vision
was clear in the story Southervision
Clear in the story phantom killer whale
killer whale was cleared in the story vision
Clear vision in the State of the story
was clear in the State of the story vision
Thin and clear vision story
was a story in the thin clear vision
Clear in the story Jagi vision
was clear in the story Jagi vision
Clear in the story Juza vision
was clear in the story Juza vision
Clear at the time of the story vision
was clear at the time of the story vision
Bat the story clear vision
cleared in the story phantom bat
Clear in the story phantom leopard
leopard was cleared in the story vision
Clear in the story Falco vision
was clear in the story Falco vision
Cleared by floating the story vision
was clear in the story floating phantom
Clear in the story Mamiya vision
was clear in the story Mamiya vision
Cleared the story Judah vision
was clear in the story of Judah vision
Clear in the story Raoh vision
was clear in the story Raoh vision
Clear in the story Ryuuga vision
was clear in the story Ryuuga vision
Clear in the story phosphorus vision
was clear in the story phosphorus phantom
Clear in the story Ray vision
was clear in the story Ray vision
Defeat Fang King
defeated the Great fangs! "fist rip rock" episode Part legend
Ce ne sono solo due di trofei per il gioco online, che è una delle novità inserite, ma con un amico dovrei farli in fretta e tutto il resto dei trofei se il gioco mi prende come aveva fatto il primo dovrei macinarli in fretta.
tra l'altro finalmente potrò usare Ryuuga e questo mi rende davvero tanto contento.
Ricordo che per la versione PAL bisognerà aspettare sino a metà febbraio circa perchè esca Fist of the North Star Ken's Rage 2 anche in Italia e forse potrebbero essere apportati cambiamenti come era già successo al primo episodio, intanto appena sarà possibili scriverò una recensione del gioco giapponese.
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